Qingqing Zeng

Ph.D. Candidate
Research area: 
Applications and implications of carbon-based nanomaterials

Qingqing Zeng is a fifth-year Ph.D. student in Dr. John Fortner’s lab. I came from China and achieved the bachelor degree in Environmental Chemistry at Nanjing University in 2015. During her undergraduate study, she mainly focused on the applications and implications of nanomaterial, including synthesizing iron-silver bimetallic nanoparticle, Fe-g-C3N4 complex and carbon quantum dots-carbon nitride polymer (CQDs-CNP) for water treatment and investigating the transport of dissolved black carbon. Her Ph.D. Project is mainly related to novel membrane applications and modifications with different nanomaterial. Fullerol modification is demonstrated to simultaneously improve PSF membrane permeability and selectivity in our study.